Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr Goh Keng Swee(1918-2010)

Thousand of people from all sections of Singapore society braved the heat and long queues at parliment house to bid their last farewell to one of Singapore's founding fathers, Dr Goh Keng Swee, 91.

Dr Goh Keng Swee , a great thinker and visionary ,economic architect of Singapore. He worked tirelessly towards building some part of the nation that is the Singapore we know today.
A selfless , humble man who gave of himself to his family and nation .

He was given the toughest job in the government : Ministry of Finance. Dr Goh discovered that the government was almost broke and expected a budget deficit of $14million. He immediately introduced drastic measures to cut spending.

He helped create the Monetary Authority of Singapore where he laid out the policies that produce a stable Singapore dollar and preserved the purchasing power of Singaporeans.

To develop a defense capability and safeguard Singapore in a dangerous world . Dr Goh took on a heavy responsibility as our first defense minister and built up the Singapore Armed Forces(SAF) from scratch .

When he was given the job in the Ministry of Education, he introduced major re-forms, leaving his imprint on a fundamentally changed education system.

He promoted the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, the Singapre Zoological Garden , the Jurong Birdpark, Sentosa, the Chinese Garden and the Japanese Garden for the Singaporeans to have a feel for beauty and the arts.

His changed in education system allow us to complete our secondary education, masters both English and mother tongue. His decision on rapid industrialisation, attracting investments from multinational corporation to create jobs and exports helped the growth of Singapore economy.  He helped to steer our nation through difficult times.  I personally feels that without him , much of Singapore wouldn't exist and Singapore is forever indebted to Dr Goh Keng Swee.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Social Network : Facebook

Facebook is now the latest social media. It is a platform where teenagers , elderly and even teachers use it as a common communication tool. Individuals who have an account in Facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well.

From the article of social networking on Facebook, it has better informed us about the importance of privacy as well as the risk associated with it.

Facebook allows us to post messages so that your close friends locally and overseas know what you are performing and where exactly you are . Therfore , through such posting of messages , images and videos , we can keep in touch with our loved ones everytime . Besides that it also allow us to search for old and new friends.

However, due to the lack of privacy , our personal information like address and email account can be leaked out to unwanted friends or users without knowing.
Furthemore, stalking and password stealing is possible on Facebook.

Facebook is not bad afterall as there are now series of improvements in the system just to make up with the shortcomings. All Facebook users should be more aware and responsible when they disclose their own information. They can make use of the privacy settings to prevent unwanted friends or users to view their account, photos and personal information.